Spring Tarliatelli / Талиатели с гъби и бекон рецепта
Mains Recipes

Chestnut Mushroom Tagliatelle

Spring is a special season. Its tender freshness carries all the promises of a new beginning. The light, the first green leaves, the first delicate flowers, the first bird songs, all reach out to the summer celebrating the new life, the new day, the new season. Yet, while all creation longs for the coming spring, winter lingers in releasing its commanding grip and for a while we enjoy the two. Spring gently pulls the sleeves of our winter jackets and whispers in youthful cheerfulness “I am here”, while Winter proudly walks on the earth with her hand tugged underneath one of our arms whispering “I will never leave you”. And we smile at one and we bow to the other, walking together with the two, thankful for their beautify and presence in our lives.

This mushroom tagliatelle dish is a celebration of the crossing over from winter to spring. The depth and the earthiness of the mushrooms and the comforting richness of the pork, contrasted with the delicate flavour of the fresh thyme leafs tastes like the blissful caress of two kisses, one from winter and one from spring, both placed at the same time on each cheek.



  • Tagliatelle
  • 10g cooking butter
  • 250g chesnut mushrooms (cut into pieces)
  • 250g speck
  • a handful of fresh thyme
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of black pepper
  • 150g cream cheese (like Philadelphia, for example)
  • 50g cream



1. Heat plenty of water adding a pintch of salt and a few droplets of olive oil. Once the water is boling add the tagliatelle and let them boil. Usually, depending on the description on the package, they should be ready between 12-15 minutes.

2. On a medium heat, melt the butter in a  pan and add the muchtooms. Let them soften for 5-6 minutes and when ready take them out, preserving all the liquid the mushrooms have released and set them aside in a separate dish.

3. In the same pan add the speck and let it gradually become golden brown. Should any fat be released, take it out of the pan. Whinin 6-10 minutes the speck should be ready.  Add the mushrooms together with their liquid in the pan together with the speck and mix well. Add the cream cheese and the fresh cream until a smoth sauce has been formed absorbing all the flavours. Season with salt and pepper and add the fresh thyme leafs.

4. Ones the tagliatelle has boild, drain the water and add the tagliatelle to the pan containing the muchroom, speck and cream sauce. Season each plate with addtional fresh thyme leaves.

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